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China-Vietnam int'l road passenger transport service reopens

NANNING, Jan. 9 (Xinhua) -- The international road passenger transport service between China and Vietnam, which has been suspended since Jan. 31, 2020, officially resumed on Sunday, according to local transport authorities.

On Sunday, a total of 1,077 passengers -- 1,065 inbound and 12 outbound passengers -- traveled through the Youyiguan border gate in the city of Pingxiang in south China's Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, according to the regional transport department.

All passengers entering China are required to report the result of a COVID-19 nucleic acid test taken up to 48 hours prior to their presentation to customs authorities, the transport department said.

Guangxi will gradually resume direct international road transport routes between China and Vietnam to provide point-to-point services for passengers, it said.