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Wondering how to ask your girl for nudes? Read this

There are some things you must know before asking for nudes.

In this day and age of easy access to sex and sexual content, arranged sex-only relationships, situationships and instant gratification, it's easy to lose sight of the true meaning of love and connection in a relationship.


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Some guys may wonder how to ask their partner the question of sharing intimate, revealing photos in a relationship, while some entitled ones jump straight to "send nudes" as if it's their birthright. This is not only inappropriate but also disrespectful, especially when it comes to your girlfriend.

Your relationship should not revolve around the exchange of explicit images or lustful desires. Instead, it should be on love and trust.

So, if you find yourself contemplating how to ask your babe for nude photos, be reminded that your focus should be on nurturing a great relationship rather than reducing it to mere requests for nudity. That’s not love, that’s just lust on a very bad level.

Understand that, love is built on trust and true love takes time and effort to nurture. Building trust and emotional intimacy should always take precedence in your relationship. Asking for risky pics only defeats that purpose.

The risks of sharing nudes

We're all familiar with the unfortunate incidents of leaked videos and images circulating on the internet. You know too well that sharing these kinds of photos and videos comes with considerable risks. Once the media is sent, it's out of your control and can be misused or leaked, so protecting your partner's privacy should be your top priority rather than your fleeting lust. Think about that.

There are consequences of asking for nudes

When you ask your girl for explicit photos, she may send the images but later regret it and resent you. On the other hand, if she refuses your request, it'll leave a sense of discomfort, unease, mistrust and a potential break in the relationship. You definitely should avoid that if you envision a bright future with this person.

Instead of asking for nudes to sate your primitive desires,

Express your feelings through other means

Share moments from your daily life like pictures of your food, your daily happenings, or just simple selfies. That shows you love genuinely and you're not thinking from a place of lust. It also means pure respect for the person you're with.

Lastly, steer clear of objectifying women.

Do not join the bandwagon of objectifying women

What you may not take note of because you are thinking with 'down there' for a moment is that when you ask for nudes, you're directly or indirectly, consciously or unconsciously reducing a woman to a mere object for your pleasure.

Instead, respect your woman as a whole person, rather than reducing her to a source of physical pleasure and gratification.