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Cross River north group says Otu tribunal’s victory reaffirmation of overwhelming mandate

From Judex Okoro, Calabar

The Cross River Northern Cross River Front has stated that the victory of Governor Bassey Otu of Cross River at the Election Petition Tribunal is a confirmation and reaffirmation of the overwhelming mandate freely given by the people of the state.

In a statement signed by former Vice Chancellor of the University of Calabar, Prof. Zana Akpagu, and Chief Henry Onwe as chairman and Secretary respectively, and made available to journalists in Calabar at the weekend, the group called on Otu to focus on governance now so as to deliver on the People’s First agenda promised during electioneering.

The group, an assemblage of seasoned politicians with a huge followers, also called on the opposition to sheath their sword and join hands with the government for the rapid development of the state.

“Sir, we heartily congratulate you and your deputy on your overwhelming victory at the polls, your successful inauguration into office and the very impressive scorecard of their Excellencies’ first 100 days in office.

“Governor Otu’s tribunal victory is a vindication of the rotation principles adopted by Cross Riverians and it has guaranteed justice, equity, fairness and harmonious coexistence in the state.

“The ground swell of support and goodwill shows that he is passionately loved by the people reason they fondly refer to him ‘

“The good works started by the governor as seen in the first 100 days in office speaks volume and heavens bear testament to the work he is set to do and as such no one should frustrate the plan of God for our dear state

“This is what the people of the state have been yearning for and their prayers brought you to office and nobody should attempt to stop Cross Riverians from enjoying moment of good governance,” the group stated.