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China@74: We’ve achieved great success –Envoy

From Aidoghie Paulinus, Abuja

As the People’s Republic of China marks its 74th independence anniversary today, the Chinese Ambassador to Nigeria, Cui Jianchun, has said that China has achieved great success.

This was even as the Chinese envoy said over 700 people were lifted from extreme poverty within the period.

Speaking during the independence anniversary held in Abuja, Cui stated that 74 years is a short time in China’s history with 5000 years.

Cui said: “During the past 74 years under the leadership of the Communist Party of China (CPC), we have economically, politically,  socially, culturally and diplomatically achieved a great success.

“I want to share this with you. The biggest one is uplifting more than 700 people out of extreme poverty.”

Cui also said China contributes 70 per cent to lifting people out of extreme poverty all over the world.

The Chinese envoy however noted that there were still 30 percent population who live below the poverty line.

“I also want to let you know, many, many people say where is the secret of China? A big country, populous country, you have poor people there, how can they achieve this great success?” Cui also said.

Cui however said China was able to achieve such great feat because it was able to find out the past suitable for Chinese characteristics by using the 5Ps.

He also said China has a strong party which is more than 100 years old, and China has built a political system suitable for the Chinese people.

“The first P is we have found out the past suitable for Chinese and it is Chinese characteristics of these diversity paths.

“Second is about the party. We have a very strong party, more than 100 years old, with President Xi Jinping at the leadership core and this is the second P secret I want to share with you.

“The third P, I want to let you know we have built political system suitable to Chinese condition. So, we know that democracy is every nation’s pursuit, but I want to share that in China, we really are exercising the Chinese whole process of democracy, focuses on five aspects. One is election, second is the consultation and the third is about the participation management in decision making the four C’s of management and the last event is monitoring. So today’s situation, every nation, our value, our democracy these days.

“I think the fourth P is people. We have carried out that people-centred policy, people’s quality of life and people’s expectation of better life is the mission of the party of the country.

“The last one which I think is very important is about the economy. During the past 74 years, Chinese government, Chinese people, we always remember that our major task is economic,” Cui further said.

In his remarks, the Deputy Speaker of the House of Representatives, Benjamin Kalu, said the decades-long relationship between the two great nations, Nigeria and China, has been mutually beneficial, particularly in recent times.

“This occasion provides us with an opportunity to reflect on the remarkable journey of trade, commerce, development, and bilateral cooperation that has characterized the relationship between our countries over the years,” Kalu said.

Kalu also said the diplomatic ties between both countries has evolved and deepened, transcending geographical boundaries, and have been marked by mutual respect and shared aspirations for progress and development.

“The rich tapestry of our partnership has woven threads of cooperation in various sectors, from infrastructure development to trade, technology exchange, and cultural engagement.

“China’s significant investments in Nigeria have contributed immensely to the growth and development of our nation, fostering economic prosperity and stability.

“China has been a steadfast partner in Nigeria’s infrastructural development, with projects such as the Abuja-Kaduna Railway and the Zungeru Hydroelectric Power Project standing as a testament to our enduring miles,” Kalu also said.