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Dortmund defeat Newcastle to blow group wide open
PSG outclass Milan to get back on track in Champions League
PSG b’rebħa fuq Milan…Newcastle megħluba minn Borussia Dortmund
Italy's Bullitt announced as overall winner of the Rolex Middle Sea Race
Lopez runs show as Barcelona beat Shakhtar to keep perfect record
Israel facing growing pressure over Gaza ground operation plans
Il-Bord ta’ Enemalta jaħtar ċermen eżekuttiv ġdid
Chamber of Advocates hits out at Abela for implying PN 'plays home' in court
Chamber of Advocates: Parliamentary declarations suggesting favouritism by the courts ‘undermine trust’
Government will shield country from shocks in energy prices, PM tells EY conference
Gaza hospitals in crisis as Israel-Hamas conflict rages on
Minimum wage to increase every year for next four years
Il-PN determinat li jaħdem biex is-saħħa tkun waħda ta’ eċċellenza għall-poplu
Enemalta appoints new executive chairman
Chris Fearne says 'things were done behind my back' in hospitals deal
[WATCH] Minimum wage set to increase gradually over the next four years
Iż-żgħażagħ għandhom ikunu inkoraġġiti jikkontestaw l-elezzjonijiet tal-kunsilli lokali
Stati Uniti: Miet Richard Roundtree, il-protagonista tal-films ‘Shaft’
L-Italja: Jitneħħa minn preżentatur ta’ Diario del Giorno wara kummenti li embarazzaw lill-Prim Ministru
SKANDLU SPTARIJIET: Abela jibqa’ ma jġorr ebda responsabbiltà
Government releases White Paper for Condominium Act Reform
Il-Messiku: Poplu fuq allert għall-Uragan ‘Otis’
FIAU: Suspicious transaction reports up 19% in 2022
Il-Gwerra fil-Lvant Nofsani: Kapijiet tal-Ħamas immarkati għall-mewt wara l-massakri tal-familji
Fact-check: Disinformation about the Gaza hospital bombing
Everton face 12-point penalty for financial breaches: report
Il-korruzzjoni tal-isptarijiet ma tinkoraġġix liż-żgħażagħ jidħlu fil-politika
Police sergeant charged over false report against ex
Police sergeant charged with falsely claiming her ex showed their child porn
“Flimkien biss nistgħu noħolqu nazzjon li kulħadd jista’ jkun kburi bih” – Bernard Grech
Surġent mixlija li ffabrikat rapport fuq l-eks partner tagħha meta qalet li wera filmat pornografiku lil binthom minn fuq il-mobile
Abela: We will continue to shield the economy from shock energy prices
Ma setax ikun li Chirs Fearne ma kien jaf xejn dwar l-isptarijiet … għax iddikjara li Steward kienu ‘the right deal’
Paola Primary parents protest 'broken bones' and leaky ceilings at school
FIAU issued €3.3m in fines last year
Kunċert li jiċċelebra l-ħajja ta’ Raymond Mahoney
Fearne on hospitals deal: ‘Things happened behind my back, but today I have full visibility’
Kien hemm affarijiet li saru minn wara dahri fl-isptarijiet
Spain seizes over 8 tonnes of hashish in Ibiza
Arteta 'worried' after Jesus injury mars superb display
Yorgen Fenech to get second chance at kicking Arnaud off Caruana Galizia murder case
Ambassador expects Malta to do more in support of Palestinian cause
[WATCH] Grech accuses ‘desperate for votes’ government of providing a ‘license to kill’
Issir it-tielet edizzjoni tat-tour tal-karozzi klassiċi
Designing your dream kitchen
Anthea Cutajar b’debutt mill-aqwa fil-kampjonat Franċiż tat-table tennis
'License to kill': Grech says TM racket shows government willing to risk lives
'Licence to kill': Grech says TM racket shows government willing to risk lives
Driving tests fraud: ADPD unites with civil society in demanding Ian Borg's resignation
Man held in custody after 2 kilos of heroin were found in his washing machine
History: Civilian administrators of Malta under British rule
MAPFRE contributing to UN’s 2023 Agenda
Prime Minister vows ‘seamless transition’ to new Air Malta
Showcasing the landscapes of Pawl Carbonaro
Abela sticks neck out for Ian Borg, customer care officials over driving licence racket
[WATCH] Abela sticks neck out for Ian Borg, customer care officials over driving licence racket
Maternal and early childhood support for women's national team players
InterContinental Malta wins prestigious award at 30th Annual World Travel Awards
“Għandna Gvern li kollox jgħaddi għalih, bil-PN se jkompli jaħdem favur pajjiżna” – Bernard Grech
Students weave narratives into a tapestry of Albania
“X’se ngħidlu lil Ian Borg?” – Abela jiddefendi lill-Ministru wara li kienu żvelati ċ-chats
Driving license scandal: Ian Borg, customer care team just doing their job - PM
Zanzi Homes registers growth in franchise offices and sales
Who's who in the driving test scandal
Suċċess kbir għall-aħħar Rockestra taħt il-Presidenza tal-President George Vella
“Azzjoni issa – l-Ikliniżi ħaqqhom kwalità ta’ arja aħjar” – Kunsill Lokali Iklin
St Michael School staff on a study visit to Finland
European Week of Sport 2023
Dun Jesmond Grech jinħatar Chaplain ġdid għal Junior College
Turkey says 'terrorist attack' took place in Ankara
Dun Jean Cluade jinħatar bħalha Direttur Nazzjonali tal-Abbatini
Dun Aayrton Muscat jinħatar kappillan ġdid għall-parroċċa ta’ Pembroke
Spazju Kreattiv issues new season programme
APS Bank further elevates its CSR commitment with call for 2024 projects
Transforming Malta’s education landscape
MEPs tell governments to reverse omission of rape in violence against women Directive
Religious quotes and news – October 1, 2023
Calls for Ian Borg's resignation, anger as driving test racket is exposed
“Gvern li jpoġġik f’periklu fit-triq, basta jirbaħ il-vot” – PN
Driving test fraud: Labour ministers, aides flagged names to be passed by Transport Malta
Illum kulħadd hu mistieden jingħaqad mal-PN fil-maratona ġbir ta’ fondi
Deputati Laburisti infurjati għat-tberbiq bl-addoċċ ta’ Clayton Bartolo mill-MTA mit-taxxi tagħna
Local foreigners on clubs’ agenda as Maltese basketball season starts
“Korruzzjoni istituzzjonalizzata u kultura korrotta” – Repubblika
Jikber il-ġlied bejn ta’ Robert Abela u ta’ Miriam Dalli
Il-Gvern ta’ Robert Abela falla fin-negozjati mal-UE dwar l-Air Malta
Christian spirituality: Befriending our vulnerability
Bidu għal staġun ġdid bl-introduzzjoni tas-seba’ timfl-Ewwel Diviżjoni
Union wants to know why teachers are quitting classrooms
Editorial: It should be the end of the road
Il-Ministru Ian Borg allegatament involut direttament mal-iskandlu ta’ Transport Malta
Provi ġodda juru li l-Ministru Ian Borg involut direttament fl-iskandlu tal-liċenzjar tas-sewqan
From the Gospel: Who is being in sync?
Eurozone money supply records biggest drop in history
The sexual reckoning
Seizing the blue economy
Restoring the EU’s competitiveness
The next major scandal
Fulfilling the rights of older persons
Driving licence scandal: ‘I want to win his vote,' OPM official told Mansueto
Consumer affairs: Buying goods from private sellers
Letters to the editor – October 1, 2023
'Your friend is my friend.' Exposed: the driving licence racket
Announcements – October 1, 2023
Malta a ‘transit point’ for weapons trafficking from Southern Europe to North Africa
Sant’s telenovelas and the great dissonance
Government’s plan to combat air pollution: Giving up your driving licence for supermarket vouchers
Gowls ta’ Pulisic u Okafor jagħtu rebħa lil Milan fuq Lazio… Martinez l-eroj għal Inter b’erba’ gowls
Matip’s late own goal seals Spurs win over nine-man Liverpool
Milan see off Lazio as Osimhen scores in Napoli romp
Rebħa drammatika għal Tottenham fuq Liverpool li temmew il-partita b’disa’ plejers
Cantlay gives USA glimmer of Ryder Cup hope
Fiji beat Georgia to push Australia to brink of Rugby World Cup exit
Snooker: Alex Borg jirbaħ l-ewwel ranking tounament tal-istagun
Valletta, Mosta take point in balanced clash
Draw u gowl f’kull taqsima bejn Valletta u Mosta
Jinġabru l-Belt għar-rally favur l-għażla tal-abort
Libya flights to Italy resume after nearly 10 years
'Pro-mother, pro-choice' crowds gather in Valletta in support of abortion
Ciolacu's late strike hands Birkirkara morale-boosting win over Hibernians
The Malta Records want to know Malta’s biggest, longest and most…
Birkirkara jieħdu tliet punti grazzi għal gowl ta’ Ciolacu
Pro-choice activists hold abortion rally in Valletta: ‘We are not going anywhere’
“Il-Gvern falla milli jsalva lill-Air Malta u falla lill-Air Malta” – PN
Messi’s Miami fans upset with season ticket price hike
Recently built wall that cost €650,000 to be ‘obliterated’
GĦADA: Maratona ġbir ta’ fondi bit-tema “Ħajja Aħjar f’Pajjiżna”
ADPD: Residents should have a say in approval of large projects in their area
Watkins treble fires Villa’s rout of hapless Brighton
One arrested as police find heroin and cocaine in Luqa residence
Elderly man greviously injured and woman lightly injured in escalator fall
Anzjan bi ġrieħi serji wara li hu u mara waqgħu fi stabbiliment
Arrestat wara sejba ta’ droga b’valur li jlaħħaq il-€130,000
Sentiment komuni mill-imsieħba soċjali dwar bżonn ta’ pjan stateġiku fil-tul għal pajjiżna
Sentiment komuni mill-imsieħba soċjali dwar bżonn ta’ pjan strateġiku fil-tul għal pajjiżna
Europe extend Ryder Cup lead over USA to seven points
Il-Ministru ma joffri ebda soluzzjonijiet għall-problemi li qed jaffaċċjaw l-istudenti u l-edukaturi
ADPD: Residents should have the right to approve developments which will affect them
Konferma li l-Air Malta se tagħlaq darba għal dejjem
Grech, MPs hold consultation meeting with social partners over party’s economic policy
Sofia inquiry: Developers budgeted €260,000 to build multi-storey factory
'TVM was not censored in my time,' says former news boss Reno Bugeja
Hibernians kontra Birkirkara fl-ewwel konfront tar-raba’ ġurnata
End of the road for Air Malta as new national carrier beckons after Brussels refuses bailout option
Stipend increase for AI, social work, and environment courses
Surprise duo set for top-of-the-table clash in France
l-Arċisqof jieħu sehem fis-Sinodu tal-Isqfijiet fil-Vatikan
Archbishop Scicluna departs for historic Bishops' Synod
Pole-position ‘Martinator’ cuts MotoGP gap with sprint win
Juventus kontra Atalanta u Milan kontra Lazio l-partiti li jiddominaw is-seba’ ġurnata tas-Serie A
Żewġ irġiel weġġgħu gravi f’żewġ inċidenti separati tat-traffiku
Malta named first World Capital for Women and Girls in Science
Premier League: Tispikka l-partita bejn Tottenham Hotspur u Liverpool
ChatGPT in schools: ‘If we don’t teach it, they will still use it’
‘Take u Home’ l-ġdida ta’ Kelsey Bellante fi tmiem l-istaġun
PN seeks to strengthen MCESD ties in meeting with social partners
Lista ma tispiċċa qatt ta’ mediċini u prodotti out-of-stock mill-ispiżeriji tal-POYC
Norma Saliba wades into her own controversy, slams new bosses at Maltese language council
Birkirkara and Hibernians looking for a response after difficult week
Kosovo on edge as Serbia moves troops to border following gunfight
Social security: minimising fraud risk | Mark Said
Biography: Ġemma Portelli
Biography: Vicente Scicluna Hernández
A driver left him in a coma, then got away with it thanks to slow justice
MSE trading report for week ending September 29, 2023
Malta’s abortion doula service
Stivala wants chairs and tables on Gzira lido’s rooftop
The voice of the Spirit
Biography: Themistocles Zammit
A frontal attack on democracy