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A Games with no drug testing! Would you watch?

The quest for victory is an ancient and occasionally tasteless urge. Nero, Roman emperor and charioteer, reportedly quaffed a potion of wild boar manure. Runners at the 1896 Olympic marathon sipped pre-race beer. In modern times steroids have been washed down with Chivas Regal. Winning is the ultimate drug.

Faster, Higher, Stronger, Smarter can be a mission with a tinge of madness. Even fishermen con, Paralympians misrepresent their abilities and chess players cheat. The 2020 World Anti-Doping Agency report states 149,758 samples (less than normal because of Covid) were taken and 672 resulted in an Anti-Doping Rule Violation. They came from 67 sports and 91 nations and represented the tip of a tainted iceberg.

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