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NPO #CollegeTour Nazorg in het Stamcafé

GeenStijl Café Mega Mix 161 Playlist:

1. Tina Turner - Nutbush City Limits (1973) - @Haberdoebas
2. The Smiths - A Light That Never Goes Out (1986) - @King of the Oneliner
3. Ylvis - The Fox (2013) - @steekmug
4. Smokey Robinson & The Miracles - Tears Of A Clown (1967) - @kroel
5. Incendiary - Bite The Hook (2023) - @Mosterd
6. Seaweed - Last Humans (1995) - @Hevvlan Demuru
7. Jon Secada - Just Another Day (1992) - @Zalwelweer (assist @TanteJuut)
8. Deep Purple - Hush (1968) - @Met_baard
9. Prestige Production - Neil Richardson (1970) - @Basil Fawlty
10. Tina Turner - The Best (1989) - @ MickeyGouda
11. The Connells - 74 75 (1992) - @Ruimedenker
12. Sleep Token - Take Me Back To Eden (2023) - @At_Dawn_They_Sleep
13. Tina Turner - Private Dancer (1984) - @Roos
14. Tina Turner - A Love Like Yours (1966) - @smdyasc
15. Jon Tarifa - Rat Race (2023) - @Ronaldo
16. Tina Turner - Acid Queen (1975) - @Mr_Natural
17. Duncan Laurence - Electric Life (2022) - @Koppig
18. Tyrnaround - Color Your Mind (1986) - @Asteroid-B612
19. Tina Turner & David Bowie – Tonight (1984) - @Andersdenkend
20. Rage Against The Machine - Killing In the Name (1993) - @TanteJuut

Bonustrack: Herbie Hancock - Blue Note (1985) - @TheOne48